
Jannah Quill on the Buchla 100 system in Studio 3 at Elektronmusikstudion, Stockholm, Sweden. Photograph by Jannah Quill.

Featured News 18 Jul 2024

Applications Open | Round 3, 2024

Emerging Artist Grants of up to $15,000 are available to support early-career artists of all art forms to undertake professional development opportunities, usually overseas.
Grantee Story 9 Mar 2021
'Adapting: Art in the time of Coronavirus' is a series of case studies that provide insight into the personal experiences of our grantee community and the effect COVID-19 has had on their professional development plans, creative practice and personal well-being.
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Grantee Story 18 Sep 2017
A Cultural Trust grant will see Samantha Butterworth travel to the United Kingdom to undertake a series of residencies with community arts organisations and to research theatre created with communities, for communities.
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